Celebrate a Cajun Christmas With These Events
The holidays are here and it’s time to celebrate in Lafayette! Here’s some local holiday Cajun events that are sure to put you in the spirit! If you enjoy riding around admiring homes decorated for Christmas be sure to check out LafayetteLights.com, a website and app that provides a map of decorated homes that even lets you vote on your favorites.
Noël Acadien Au Village
Acadian Village, Lafayette, LA. 5:30-9 p.m. $10 at the gate; $8 in advance. Festival fundraiser with half a million lights, displays, food, entertainment, and holiday shopping. 337-981-2364, AcadianVillage.org.
DEC 1-23
Victorian Christmas at Grevemberg House Museum
407 Sterling Rd., Franklin. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Adults $10, Seniors & Students $8, Children 12 and under $5. Grevemberg House Museum will be decorated in the Victorian fashion with toys and dolls, Christmas tree, garlands and floral arrangements. 337-828-2092, CajunCoast.com.
DEC 1-31
Abbeville’s Christmas Parade
Downtown, Abbeville. Free. Enjoy floats decorated for Christmas, marching bands playing holiday favorites and an appearance by Santa Claus. 337-652-0646, MostCajun.com.