Personalized Letters From Santa
It’s that time again, folks. In the spirit of the holiday season I will be sending personalized letters from Santa Claus to any child, regardless of age, location, or relationship to you. If you know of any children who would enjoy receiving a letter from Santa before Christmas, please write their names and addresses on the attached Request Form and return it to us by December 15th by using one of the following:
Mail to:
Robbie Breaux & Team
Van Eaton & Romero
2000 Kaliste Saloom Rd. Ste 101
Lafayette, LA 70508
Email to: Amber@RobbieBreaux.com
All letters will be written on special stationary and postmarked from Santa’s Workshop (The North Pole). If your child has not received their letter by December 18th please call (337) 267-4099 so we make sure to get one out to them.